30 research outputs found

    MammoApplet: an interactive Java applet tool for manual annotation in medical imaging

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    Web-based applications in computational medicine have become increasingly important during the last years. The rapid growth of the World Wide Web supposes a new paradigm in the telemedicine and eHealth areas in order to assist and enhance the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of patients. Furthermore, training of radiologists and management of medical databases are also becoming increasingly important issues in the field. In this paper, we present MammoApplet , an interactive Java applet interface designed as a web-based tool. It aims to facilitate the diagnosis of new mammographic cases by providing a set of image processing tools that allow a better visualization of the images, and a set of drawing tools, used to annotate the suspicious regions. Each annotation allows including the attributes considered by the experts when issuing the final diagnosis. The overall set of overlays is stored in a database as XML files associated with the original images. The final goal is to obtain a database of already diagnosed cases for training and enhancing the performance of novice radiologistsPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Texture descriptors applied to digital mammography

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    Breast cancer is the second cause of death among women cancers. Computer Aided Detection has been demon- strated an useful tool for early diagnosis, a crucial as- pect for a high survival rate. In this context, several re- search works have incorporated texture features in mam- mographic image segmentation and description such as Gray-Level co-occurrence matrices, Local Binary Pat- terns, and many others. This paper presents an approach for breast density classi¯cation based on segmentation and texture feature extraction techniques in order to clas- sify digital mammograms according to their internal tis- sue. The aim of this work is to compare di®erent texture descriptors on the same framework (same algorithms for segmentation and classi¯cation, as well as same images). Extensive results prove the feasibility of the proposed ap- proach.Postprint (published version

    On the Use of XML in Medical Imaging Web-Based Applications

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    The rapid growth of digital technology in medical fields over recent years has increased the need for applications able to manage patient medical records, imaging data, and chart information. Web-based applications are implemented with the purpose to link digital databases, storage and transmission protocols, management of large volumes of data and security concepts, allowing the possibility to read, analyze, and even diagnose remotely from the medical center where the information was acquired. The objective of this paper is to analyze the use of the Extensible Markup Language (XML) language in web-based applications that aid in diagnosis or treatment of patients, considering how this protocol allows indexing and exchanging the huge amount of information associated with each medical case. The purpose of this paper is to point out the main advantages and drawbacks of the XML technology in order to provide key ideas for future web-based applicationsPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Usefulness of collaborative work in the evaluation of prostate cancer from MRI

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    The aim of this study is to show the usefulness of collaborative work in the evaluation of prostate cancer from T2-weighted MRI using a dedicated software tool. The variability of annotations on images of the prostate gland (central and peripheral zones as well as tumour) by two independent experts was firstly evaluated, and secondly compared with a consensus between these two experts. Using a prostate MRI database, experts drew regions of interest (ROIs) corresponding to healthy prostate (peripheral and central zones) and cancer. One of the experts then drew the ROI with knowledge of the other expert’s ROI. The surface area of each ROI was used to measure the Hausdorff distance and the Dice coefficient was measured from the respective contours. They were evaluated between the different experiments, taking the annotations of the second expert as the reference. The results showed that the significant differences between the two experts disappeared with collaborative work. To conclude, this study shows that collaborative work with a dedicated tool allows consensus between expertise in the evaluation of prostate cancer from T2-weighted MRI.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Aplicación web para la gestión de una base de datos pública de mamografía digital: MamoDB

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    Cada vez son más los hospitales que disponen de sistemas computarizados de adquisición y visualización de imágenes digitales , con las ventaj as que ello supone cu anto a acceso a la información , capacidad de diagnóstico y aprendizaje . Sin embargo, el volumen ingente de datos requiere de nuevas herramientas para su alm acenaje, gestión y recuperación . En este trabajo se propone un modelo de estructura basado en tecnol ogía web como herramienta de ayuda al diagnóstico de Cáncer de Mama. La estructura propuesta se basa en la administración de imágenes y estudios mamográfico s con el objetivo de ser un referente en la comunidad científica. Su arquitectura, metodología y aplicación en formato web se presentan en es te trabajo así como conclusiones y trabajos futurosPostprint (published version

    Assessment of automatic decision-support systems for detecting active T2 lesions in multiple sclerosis patients

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    Active (new/enlarging) T2 lesion counts are routinely used in the clinical management of multiple sclerosis. Thus, automated tools able to accurately identify active T2 lesions would be of high interest to neuroradiologists for assisting in their clinical activity. To compare the accuracy in detecting active T2 lesions and of radiologically active patients based on different visual and automated methods.Postprint (author's final draft

    Automatic mass segmentation in mammographic images

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    Aquesta tesi està emmarcada dins la detecció precoç de masses, un dels símptomes més clars del càncer de mama, en imatges mamogràfiques. Primerament, s'ha fet un anàlisi extensiu dels diferents mètodes de la literatura, concloent que aquests mètodes són dependents de diferent paràmetres: el tamany i la forma de la massa i la densitat de la mama. Així, l'objectiu de la tesi és analitzar, dissenyar i implementar un mètode de detecció robust i independent d'aquests tres paràmetres. Per a tal fi, s'ha construït un patró deformable de la massa a partir de l'anàlisi de masses reals i, a continuació, aquest model és buscat en les imatges seguint un esquema probabilístic, obtenint una sèrie de regions sospitoses. Fent servir l'anàlisi 2DPCA, s'ha construït un algorisme capaç de discernir aquestes regions són realment una massa o no. La densitat de la mama és un paràmetre que s'introdueix de forma natural dins l'algorisme.This thesis deals with the detection of masses in mammographic images. As a first step, Regions of Interests (ROIs) are detected in the image using templates containing a probabilistic contour shape obtained from training over an annotated set of masses. Firstly, PCA is performed over the training set, and subsequently the template is formed as an average of the gradient of eigenmasses weighted by the top eigenvalues. The template can be deformed according to each eigenmass coefficient. The matching is formulated in a Bayesian framework, where the prior penalizes the deformation, and the likelihood requires template boundaries to agree with image edges. In the second stage, the detected ROIs are classified into being false positives or true positives using 2DPCA, where the new training set now contains ROIs with masses and ROIs with normal tissue. Mass density is incorporated into the whole process by initially classifying the two training sets according to breast density. Methods for breast density estimation are also analyzed and proposed. The results are obtained using different databases and both FROC and ROC analysis demonstrate a better performance of the approach relative to competing methods

    A white matter lesion-filling approach to improve brain tissue volume measurements

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    Multiple sclerosis white matter (WM) lesions can affect brain tissue volume measurements of voxel-wise segmentation methods if these lesions are included in the segmentation process. Several authors have presented different techniques to improve brain tissue volume estimations by filling WM lesions before segmentation with intensities similar to those of WM. Here, we propose a new method to refill WM lesions, where contrary to similar approaches, lesion voxel intensities are replaced by random values of a normal distribution generated from the mean WM signal intensity of each two-dimensional slice. We test the performance of our method by estimating the deviation in tissue volume between a set of 30 T1-w 1.5 T and 30 T1-w 3 T images of healthy subjects and the same images where: WM lesions have been previously registered and afterwards replaced their voxel intensities to those between gray matter (GM) and WM tissue. Tissue volume is computed independently using FAST and SPM8. When compared with the state-of-the-art methods, on 1.5 T data our method yields the lowest deviation in WM between original and filled images, independently of the segmentation method used. It also performs the lowest differences in GM when FAST is used and equals to the best method when SPM8 is employed. On 3 T data, our method also outperforms the state-of-the-art methods when FAST is used while performs similar to the best method when SPM8 is used. The proposed technique is currently available to researchers as a stand-alone program and as an SPM extensionSergi Valverde holds a FI-GDR2013 grant from the Generalitat de Cataluny